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Capacitor Markings



101 .0001uf  = 100pf
151 .00015uf = 150pf
221 .00022uf = 220pf
331 .00033uf = 330pf
471 .00047uf = 470pf
681 .00068uf = 680pf
102 .001uf  = 1000pf
152 .0015uf = 1500pf
222 .0022uf = 2200pf
332 .0033uf = 3300pf
472 .0047uf = 4700pf
682 .0068uf = 6800pf
103 .01uf
153 .015uf
223 .022uf
333 .033uf
473 .047uf
683 .068uf
104 .1uf
154 .15uf
224 .22uf
334 .33uf
474 .47uf
684 .68uf
105 1.0uf
225 2.2uf


Having trouble determining the value of
that capacitor on your bench?
Here's a chart to help you out. The letter
after the marking often indicates the tolerance.

+/-5%(J), +/-10%(K), +/-20%(M)
Example:  101K would be 100pf, +/-10%



When You Are Tired, Do You Get a  Headache Converting Picofarads to Microfarads ?

Maybe this will help you.

4.7 mmf or pf  = .0000047 mf
47 mmf or pf = .000047 mf
470 mmf or pf = .00047 mf
4,700 mmf or pf = .0047 mf
47,000 mmf or pf = .047 mf
470,000 mmf or pf = .47 mf






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